تناسق الآيات ووحدة الموضوعية في القرآن: دراسة تفسيرية تحليلية لسُوَر غافر الصَّافات والنّازعات

The Coherence of Verses and the Unity of Themes in the Quran: An Analytical Exegetical Study of the Chapters Al-Ghafir, Al-Saffat, and Al-Naziat


  • Abdoul Karim Toure Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Norzulaili Mohd Ghazali Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Mesbahul Hoque Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia




Al-Quran, Tafsīr al-Mawḍuꜥī, Coherence, Unity, al-Ghafir, al-Saffat, al-Naziat


This study deals with one of the most important topics of interpretation of the Holy Qur'an, which is the unity of objectivity in the Holy Qur'an. Tafsīr al-Mawḍuꜥī is a type of interpretation that was not present in the works of earlier scholars and has not properly developed through the work and efforts of contemporary researchers because it still requires rooting and a methodology capable of achieving the main goals of the Qur'an as the book of guidance and a way of life for people in every era. The study aims to show that the Tafsīr al-Mawḍuꜥī is the most appropriate to follow in our contemporary era in dealing with the unity of the topics of the Qur'an or some Surahs, as it reveals one of the aspects of the miracle of the Qur’an about man, the universe, and life: the Qur'an is a comprehensive and immortal cognitive miracle. The study aims to highlight the beauty of the Holy Qur'an in its consistency and coherence of its verses with each other, as if it were one surah revealed at the same time and not over extended periods. The researchers used in this study two approaches: the inductive approach and the analytical method, where we collected in the inductive approach verses from three surahs, which are al-Ghafir, al-Saffat and al-Naziat, and then analysed them to show and prove their consistency with each other and their interdependence in a very wonderful thematic unity.


Al-Quran al-Karim

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DOI: 10.33102/jmqs.v19i2.433
Published: 2023-12-01

How to Cite

Toure, A. K., Norzulaili Mohd Ghazali, & Mesbahul Hoque. (2023). تناسق الآيات ووحدة الموضوعية في القرآن: دراسة تفسيرية تحليلية لسُوَر غافر الصَّافات والنّازعات: The Coherence of Verses and the Unity of Themes in the Quran: An Analytical Exegetical Study of the Chapters Al-Ghafir, Al-Saffat, and Al-Naziat. Maʿālim Al-Qurʾān Wa Al-Sunnah, 19(2), 274-291. https://doi.org/10.33102/jmqs.v19i2.433