Pemikiran Metafizik Badiuzzaman Said Nursi: Hakikat dan Hikmah Kenabian Berdasarkan Kitab Rasail An-Nur

Metaphysical Thinking of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi: The Prophetood Reality and Wisdom in Risale-i Nur


  • Muaz Hj Mohd Noor University Technology MARA
  • S. Salahudin b. Hj. Suyurno University Technology MARA (UiTM)
  • Mohd Zaid Mustafar University Technology MARA (UiTM)
  • Muhammad Taufik Md Sharipp University Technology MARA (UiTM)



This study is an attempt to elaborate on metaphysical thinking of a mujaddid, a highly influential intellectual and reformer of the 20th century, Sheikh Badiuzzaman Said Bin Mirza (Said Nursi) on the question of prophethood. In this study, the authors have focused on the prophecies as well as the wisdom of prophethood. This study focuses on the great books of Said Nursi, Rasāil an-Nūr, which is sourced from the al-Qurān and al-Hadith. For further interpretation of each debate, the authors have presented an overview of some ‘scholars’ of various schools of thought as a comparison. From the aspect implementation of the study, the authors have adopted the use of documentation to gather all the necessary data, while the method of inductive, deductive and comparative are used to analyze all the data collected. The findings of this study show that the existence of the prophet is in line with the creation of man, which is a necessity and guidance for mankind in this world. Said Nursi appears to have proved that the prophetic style of thinking can solve the issue of the community that exists on this day, though the prophecy has passed over 1400 years ago.


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DOI: 10.33102/jmqs.v13i14.98
Published: 2017-12-01

How to Cite

Hj Mohd Noor, M., S. Salahudin b. Hj. Suyurno, Mohd Zaid Mustafar, & Muhammad Taufik Md Sharipp. (2017). Pemikiran Metafizik Badiuzzaman Said Nursi: Hakikat dan Hikmah Kenabian Berdasarkan Kitab Rasail An-Nur: Metaphysical Thinking of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi: The Prophetood Reality and Wisdom in Risale-i Nur. Maʿālim Al-Qurʾān Wa Al-Sunnah, 13(14), 35-43.