Terjemahan Ayat Amthal di dalam al-Quran: Kajian Terhadap Tafsir Pimpinan al-Rahman

Translation of Amthal Verses in the Quran: a study on Tafsir Pimpinan al-Rahman


  • Muhammad Arif Musa Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Abd Muhaimin Ahmad Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Muhammad Hafiz Saleh Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Norazman Alias Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Hayati Hussin Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Zainora Daud Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia



الكلمات المفتاحية:

amthāl, Quran, translation, Tafsir Pimpinan al-Rahman


Among the miracles of the Quran is the high eloquence it posesses. On this matter, the Quran consist of parables (amthal verses). The role of the amthal verses is to provide a clear picture on the meanings of the Quran. They also leave a deeper impression to the listeners should they choose to meditate on these verses. Muslim scholars have studied the amthal verses and they have produced a number of literatures. This shows the importance of the amthal verses towards understanding the contents of the Qur'an. The translation of the Quran to Malay language began since the 17th century. The Quranic translation requires the translators to master the knowledge of Quranic interpretations which also include the knowledge on amthāl Quran. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the translation of amthal verses to Malay language. This study relies on Malay Quranic translation by Sheikh Abdullah Basmeih. The study compares between Basmeih’s translation and the understanding of the amthāl verses according to Abd al-Nāṣir al-Sa'di through his book Taisīr al-Karīm al-Rahmān. This study is qualitative in nature with descriptive methods. The study found that there are two categories of amthal verses; 1- verses which can be easily understood and translated to Malay, 2- complex verses that require further interpretations. The translation of Sheikh Abdullah Basmeih in the first category provide a clear understanding of the verses, however on the second category, Basmeih’s translations are insufficient.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Musa, M. A., Ahmad, A. M., Saleh, M. H., Alias, N., Hussin, H., & Daud, Z. (2018). Terjemahan Ayat Amthal di dalam al-Quran: Kajian Terhadap Tafsir Pimpinan al-Rahman: Translation of Amthal Verses in the Quran: a study on Tafsir Pimpinan al-Rahman. مجلة معالم القرآن والسنة, 14(2), 162–171. https://doi.org/10.33102/jmqs.v14i2.141