Peranan Hadith dalam Ilmu Taujih Qiraat: Analisis Terhadap Kitab Hujjah al-Qiraat Karangan Ibn Zanjalah

The Role of Hadith in Taujih Qiraat: Analysis on the Book of Hujjah Al-Qiraat by Ibn Zanjalah


  • Abd Muhaimin Ahmad Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
  • Zulhilmi Mohamed Nor Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
  • Muhammad Hafiz bin Saleh Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)



Science of taujih qiraat, Qiraat, Hadith, ,Ibn Zanjalah


Taujih qiraat is a knowledge that discusses the meaning and justification in the Qur'anic variant reading (qiraat). Scholars of this field often refer to fundamental aspects in Arabic language such as grammar, phonology, morphology and semantic aspects in explaining the meaning and justification of the variation in Qur`anic reading. However, in certain circumstances some scholars also refer to hadith as a source in their explanation and description. Thus, this study discusses the role of hadith of the Prophet SAW in this field of knowledge, by making the book of Hujjah al-Qiraat written by Ibn Zanjalah as a study material. The study was conducted using content analysis methods, by performing an observation on the hadiths used in the Hujjah al-Qiraat, which were then analyzed descriptively to identify the role of these hadith in explaining the meaning and justification of the variation in Qur`anic reading. Among the important findings of this study is; the role of hadith in this knowledge is seen from three aspects, namely it describes the meaning of a qiraat, strengthens the existence of a qiraat directly and also strengthens the existence of a qiraat indirectly. The study also found that the role of hadith is relatively small, compared to the number of Qur`anic words that recited with various readings, and some of the hadiths were not found in the major hadith books, but most of these hadiths are supported with other hadiths as a syawahid (auxiliary).



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DOI: 10.33102/jmqs.v16i2.233
Published: 2020-12-01

How to Cite

Abd Muhaimin Ahmad, Zulhilmi Mohamed Nor, & Muhammad Hafiz bin Saleh. (2020). Peranan Hadith dalam Ilmu Taujih Qiraat: Analisis Terhadap Kitab Hujjah al-Qiraat Karangan Ibn Zanjalah: The Role of Hadith in Taujih Qiraat: Analysis on the Book of Hujjah Al-Qiraat by Ibn Zanjalah. Maʿālim Al-Qurʾān Wa Al-Sunnah, 16(2), 90-101.