الأحاديث العقدية الواردة في الحوار بعد البعثة والهجرة النبوية جمعاً وتخريجاً ودراسةً



  • Majid Muhammad Abdoh Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University
  • Abdulrahman Hussein Obeid Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia




Dialogue, Da'wah, Theology, Prophetic Approach, Sunnah


This research aims to clarify the importance of dialogue in calling the people to God Almighty and to elucidate on the correct belief of the interlocutor by using examples from the sunnah and biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the predecessor of this nation. It also aims to demonstrate the importance of dialogue in the life of the individual, society, and nation in building positive relationships among members of the Muslim community, with other communities, and even with non-Muslims. The research also aims to collect the authentic hadiths related to dialogue in the books on the Prophet’s (PBUH) sunnah regarding the topic of faith, which is the basis of the call to God Almighty and upon which the worship of Muslims is based. This study explains the most important matters that can benefit the discerning preacher regarding the phases after the Prophet’s mission in Makkah and after the Prophet’s migration. The researcher found that the straight prophetic method is what Mulims desperately need today to clarify the word of God to the people. This article also explains the importance of dialogue in the life of a Muslim preacher and society. The dialogue conducted should follow the method of the Prophet (PBUH) by displaying gentleness and kindness besides adopting the easiest ways and means to deliver the call to the faith.


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DOI: 10.33102/jmqs.v18i1.358
Published: 2022-06-01

How to Cite

Majid Muhammad Abdoh, & Abdulrahman Hussein Obeid. (2022). الأحاديث العقدية الواردة في الحوار بعد البعثة والهجرة النبوية جمعاً وتخريجاً ودراسةً: THEOLOGICAL HADITH IN THE POST PROPHET’S MISSION AND MIGRATION DIALOGUE: RETRIEVAL AND ANALYTICAL STUDY. Maʿālim Al-Qurʾān Wa Al-Sunnah, 18(1), 210-231. https://doi.org/10.33102/jmqs.v18i1.358