خُطْوات أساسية نحو تدبّرٍ أنفع لكتاب الله عزّ وجلّ: دراسةٌ موضوعيّةٌ تحليليّةٌ

Crucial Steps Towards a More Beneficial Contemplation Upon The Book Of Allāh Almighty: A Thematic Analysis Study





Pondering, the noble Qurʾān, Preparation, Recitation, Contemplation, Accounting


There is no doubt that the subject of the Noble Qurʾān is one of the most important topics in which the Muslim is required to know its steps and fathom its ways. The Noble Qurʾān is a universal book, and today's problems are on a global scale. Therefore, we require a universal book that can effectively address these issues. There are hundreds of Qurʾānic verses that mention how this great universe is managed and controlled by Allāh according to rules and laws, which, if we study them, will help us to find solutions to these problems. Furthermore, we should deal with the Qurʾān in a positive way and ponder on its verses properly to solve these problems; therefore, it is compulsory for the scholars who are interested in contemporary contemporarily Qurʾānic studies to formulate our problems, dilemmas, and queries and present them to the Noble Qurʾān in order to find suitable solutions for our current age as the previous generations could do so. Furthermore, these solutions have significantly enhanced both individual and collective wellbeing, as well as the field of building and urbanism. The researcher aims to establish the most crucial practical steps by analyzing the Noble Qur'an using both inductive and deductive methods. The findings presented in this article are the outcomes of a thematic analysis of literature obtained from the Noble Qurʾān. The author concluded that: (1) Contemplation is looking at what is behind words in terms of meanings, lessons, purposes, and their consequences in the soul and in society; (2) formulating four methodological steps, supported by twenty practical methods, to assist in contemplating the Noble Qurʾān.

Author Biography

Abdelali Bey Zekkoub, Al-Madinah International University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bey Zekkoub Abdelali got his PhD in Qur’an & Sunnah Studies in 2015 from International Islamic University Malaysia. In 2015, he got a lecturer position at Dept. Quran and its Sciences, at Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Al-Madinah International University in Malaysia (MEDIU), and in 2020, he became associate professor at the same department. In Jan 2021, he held the position of Dean of Faculty of Islamic Sciences at MEDIU; In July 2020 he was appointed as the Dean of Admission and Registration at MEDIU; In Jan 2020 he was appointed as the Dean of Student Affairs at MEDIU; currently he holds the position of Deputy Dean of Faculty of Islamic Sciences and Editor-in-Chief of the International Islamic Sciences Journal at MEDIU. He has seven years of experience in education, supervision, publication, research projects, Managing OJS journal, Organizing events, conducting training in research methodology, Articles reviewer, thesis examiner and everything related to academic and administrative work. His Area of expertise is Islamic Studies; Islamic Thought; Muslim Society and Culture; Muslim Education; Tafsir and Sciences of al Qur'an; Qur'an and Sunnah Studies; Thematic Tafsir and Maqasid al Qur'an. In March 2019, he got the award of the best paper presented at the second International Halal Conference in Malaysia. He has several certificates of appreciation for his active participation in conferences and trainings. He attended several professional trainings. He has so far more than forty research papers published in international refereed journals, and has participated in more of thirty international conferences. He has served as supervisor and examiner for a large number of Master and PhD students from different nationalities. He is an editorial member of international refereed scientific journals and he enjoys several professional and academic memberships.


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DOI: 10.33102/jmqs.v20i1.418
Published: 2024-06-01

How to Cite

Abdelali Bey Zekkoub. (2024). خُطْوات أساسية نحو تدبّرٍ أنفع لكتاب الله عزّ وجلّ: دراسةٌ موضوعيّةٌ تحليليّةٌ: Crucial Steps Towards a More Beneficial Contemplation Upon The Book Of Allāh Almighty: A Thematic Analysis Study. Maʿālim Al-Qurʾān Wa Al-Sunnah, 20(1), 1-44. https://doi.org/10.33102/jmqs.v20i1.418