Keperluan Penyeragaman Gaya Penulisan Takhrij Bagi Penulisan Ilmiah: Satu Cadangan

The Need for Standardization of Style of Writing Takhrij Al-Hadith for Academic: A Suggestion


  • A. Irwan Santeri Doll Kawaid Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Zulhilmi Mohamed Nor Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Amiruddin Mohd Sobali Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Mohd Zohdi Mohd Amin Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia



takhrij, style, standardization. academic writing, hadith


Takhrij has been defined as disclosing the original source of a hadith from the major books of Islam and revealing its status if it needed. The main purpose of it is to preserve the hadith of the Prophet SAW from being falsified as well as to rectified the facts related to it. Proper writing of takhrij hadith has become a common requirement stressed from many parties. Many writings, especially scientific, have required that each hadith that been exposed must disclose its takhrij properly. Although it has been stressed, many inconsistency styles of writing found in the documentation of takhrij. The inconsistencies have confused some reader to the excact meaning of the documentation. The absence of a proper guide to the way of writing of takhrij is been found one of the reason of the inconsistencies. This article aims to discuss the inconsistencies and proposes a few suggestions of stlye of documentation of takhrij to be applied in scientific writing.


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Ma al-Farq Bayna al-Ikhraj wa al-Takhrij wa al-Istikhraj?


DOI: 10.33102/jmqs.v14i1.117
Published: 2018-06-01

How to Cite

Kawaid, A. I. S. D., Mohamed Nor, Z., Mohd Sobali, A., & Mohd Amin, M. Z. (2018). Keperluan Penyeragaman Gaya Penulisan Takhrij Bagi Penulisan Ilmiah: Satu Cadangan: The Need for Standardization of Style of Writing Takhrij Al-Hadith for Academic: A Suggestion. Maʿālim Al-Qurʾān Wa Al-Sunnah, 14(1), 69-75.